Saturday, July 7, 2012

Banana stems Pachadi/Raita

Banana stem:

Weight Loss :

Banana Stem i.e the tender core of the banana plant's trunk is an effective way to lose weight. It can be had as a juice or as a cooked food. It can be had twice a week. It should also be noted that though it is effective for weight loss, other things should also be taken into consideration like exercise and overall diet for better results.

Kidney Stones: People e suffering from Kidney stones can have the juice extract prepared from the tender core of the banana’s trunk as a remedy.

Diuretic: I t is diuretic in nature and helps to get rid of the toxins in the body.

Laxative: It is a mild laxative. Cools the body. Banana’s Stem helps to cool the body. Therefore consumption twice a week is recommended.

Ingredients :

Fine Chopped banana Stem : 1 cup (chop it as very small pieces and remove the fibers) 
Curd                                   : 2 cup
Turmeric powder               : ¼ spoon
Chopped Onion                 : ½ cup
Chopped Tomato              : ½ cup
Curry leaves                     : 5 to 10 leaves
Oil                                    : 1 spoon
Mustard                           : ¼ spoon
Cumin seeds                    : ¼ spoon
Urad dal                          : ½ spoon
Moong dhal:                   : ½ spoon
Ginger                             :  ½  spoon paste

Lets start::

1. mix the curd with the chopped banana stem.
2. Add salt and Turmeric powder. Keep the mixture for 30 minutes.
3. heat a pan and add half spoon oil and wait for few seconds. ( Use the mud made Pan instead of the steel items )
4. put mustard and wait for mustard splutter
5. Add curry leaf, Ginger paste and chopped onion. Fry for few minutes until the onion color change to slight golden color. (u can add bit salt at this time, so onion will turn golden color very quickly).
6. Add Urad and Moong dhal. 
7. Add tomato and fry until it goes soft. 
8. Add these fried items with the soaked banana stem mixture. (No need to fry this mixture again). Ready to serve.

Jai Hind !

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