Friday, July 6, 2012

Pasalai Keerai Kootu/Kulambu/Gravey

Pasalai Keerai Kootu/Kulambu/Gravey

1. It has got More Fiber and minerals
2. Reduces Body heat
3. cures Urinary track infection
4. It improves the metabolism
5. It helps to reduce wait
6. It helps to cure the infection in internal body parts.
7. It helps to stabilze the Lubrication between bone joints.


Spinach leaves washed and chopped : 3 cups
Split green gram/moong dal – half cup
Cooking oil – 2 spoon (Alaways use less oil)
Salt – as per taste (Always use less salt)

Need to grind: ( Grind everything and keep it away )

Coconut :2 piceces of coconut
Coriander seeds : one spoon
Red chilly : 1 or 2 pieces
Pepper : half spoon
Cumin seeds : half spoon
Garlic : 2 or 4 pods
Curry leaves : 5 to 10 leaves

Need to season:
Mustard : half spoon
Black gram : half spoon
Onion : 2 chopped
Tomato : 1 chopped
Curry leaves : 5 to 10 leaves
Asafetida i.e perungayam : pinch
Garlic : 2 pods
Turmeric powder – half spoon

Lets start:::

1. Soak split green gram for half an hour and drain.
2. pressure cook green gram.( I suggest not to use cooker. use the ordinary vessel even if it takes time. use  )
3. heat a pan and add half toon oil wait for few seconds. ( Use the mud made Pan instead of the steel items )
4. put mustard and wait for mustard splutter.
5. Add black gram, garlic, curry leaves , asafetida and keep for few second.
6. Add the onion chopped and fry for few minutes until the onion color change to slight golden color. (u can add bit salt at this time, so onion will turn golden color very quickly)
7. Add tomato and fry untill it goes soft.
8. Add salt and mix it well.
9. Add the spinach and fry... wait for the water to come out of the spinach.( spinach has some amount of water in it )
10. Add turmeric powder once the spinach color goes to dark green.
11. Add the cooked green gam and mix it well.
12. Take it away and use a wooden mathu (it is called keerai mathu) or grind coarsely in blender.
13. Add suficient water and boil the blender for few minutes.
14. Add Coriander Leaves at the end. Tastey and healthy spinach kootu/kulambu is ready to server.

jai Hind!

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